An Amazon Top 20 Seller

A Shadow Passed Over the Son is the first installment of the adult-friendly (PG-13) epic adventure serial series The Go-Kids, quality science fiction from award-winning writer Ryan Schneider.

Parker Perkins lives in Manhattan with his mom and dad. Today is Parker's 10th birthday. But Parker's birthday takes a sudden turn and his life will never be the same.

A Shadow Passed Over the Son is far more than a kids' story. It is a story about growing up, friendship, and the challenge of moral choices. Ride along during the ongoing adventures of Parker, Sunny, Bubba, Igby, and Colby, characters readers will come to know and love.

Books 1-5 now available.
For the complete story in one volume, see THE DEMON DRIVERS Book 1.

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  1. Just finished reading this. First of all I'm not sure why I read this all the way through. This isn't a criticism of the book but more a question of taste. I like dark tales with plenty of violence. However, I couldn't put this down.

    I'm going to attempt to explain why I loved this book in no particular order. It's well written for a start, it's an absolute joy to read. It reminded of being a kid and reading famous five books. The world is vivid and believable, the characters even though they're children have depth. It engaged me on a level that I can't really explain. It was child like and naive but sad and dark at the same time. There is mystery and a hundred unanswered questions. It captures those times when kids struggle with an adult world and where innocence and reality collide. It seems like a kids book and an adult book all in cover.

    I still don't understand why this book captivated my imagination so fully. I hope to figure it out by the time I get to the end of the season.

  2. I played with that danged spider for like 10 minutes *grins sheepishly


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