10 Questions with EVERVILLE Author Roy Huff (@EvervilleFans)

This Author Spotlight
Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Young Adult
writer Roy HuffMS, MAEd
author of

Roy Huff is the author of Amazon's #1 international bestselling epic fantasy novel, Everville: The First Pillar. This is the first installment in the remarkable Everville series which combines elements of epic fantasy and young adult fiction in a form that nearly anyone will enjoy reading, young or old. He is a man of many interests including but not limited to science, traveling, movies, the outdoors, and of course writing teen and young adult fantasy fiction. He holds five degrees in four separate disciplines including liberal arts, history, secondary science education, and geoscience. Roy Huff's background includes work in art, history, education, business, real-estate, economics, geoscience, and satellite meteorology. He was born on the East Coast but has spent more than half his life in Hawaii, where he currently resides and writes his epic fantasy sagas.

1.How did you get into writing and why do you write?

I have a lot of experience doing technical writing as part of my various degree programs. I’ve also had to do a limited amount of creative writing as well. The initial concept for the book came about as an assignment for a creative writing paper for an English class.

2.What do you like best (or least) about writing?

The thing I like most about writing is a combination of created something new as well as making a contribution to the world that influences others and leaves a lasting mark on society.

3.What is your writing process? IE do you outline? Do you stick to a daily word or page count, write 7 days a week, etc?

I don’t really have much of an organized approach. I write when I can in fits and starts. I don’t use an outline until later in the story, but I do take notes so I don’t forget certain elements or plot lines.

4.Who are some other writers you read and admire, regardless of whether they are commercially “successful?”

I have largely been influenced by the great science fiction and fantasy writers such as Tolkien, Orwell, J.K Rowling, Jules Verne, and the like.

5.Should the question mark in the above question be inside or outside the quotes?

It should go inside the quotation marks.

6.What’s your stance on the Oxford Comma?

When in doubt, use a comma.

7.What is your book Everville: The First Pillar about and how did it come to fruition?

It was the name of the world created for the initial paper, which later became chapter 1. The First Pillar was added as the story evolved and I decided to serialize it.

8.What’s your current writing project?

I’m currently writing Everville: The City of Worms, which I hope to have available in August.

9.What book(s) are you currently reading?

Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman.

10.Who or what inspires your writing?

Life inspires my writings as well as my hopes, dreams, and fantasies of the present and the future.

Finally, is there anything you’d care to add? Please also include where people can read your published stories, buy your book, etc.

I am currently running a signed paperback giveaway on Goodreads ending June 14th. http://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/51905-the-first-pillar The audio book will also be released shortly on Audible, Amazon, and Itunes.

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Thanks, Roy, for sharing Everville: The First Pillar with us. The cover art is fantastic and the book already has more than 80 reviews on Amazon.

Come back and visit with us again when The City of Worms is ready.

Be sure to visit Roy's website and follow him on Twitter.

And pick up your copy of Everville: The First Pillar at the links below:

Kindle                             Paperback


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